No Map to Guide my Path

no map to guide my path
Geschrieben von Sabrina

No Map to Guide my Path

I never thought I would do what I’ve done

or say what I’ve said

Never in a million years did I see coming what showed up

in my life

what crossed my path

what knocked me down

what held me tight

and almost took my last breath


If I say never, life says ‚wait for it‘

There is no guarantee

No map to guide my path.

There’s failure and a lot of it

There’s tumbling, crying, pain, and resignation

But hell yea there’s a lot of laughter, trust, love, and determination

The mountain might hide my view to what lies ahead

but it’s never about conquering the mountain, but about conquering the head


So here I go and stumble and stand up as long as I can

I am willing to do

what I never thought

I would go through


Life keeps throwing stuff my way

There is no guarantee

No map to guide my way

Failure, oh a lot of it


But laughter, love, and determination,

is what I build my house on


So I go without knowing

and open my arms

to whatever may come

may it be beauty or harm

every step, or just a half

will be perfect as it is


I never thought I would

There is no guarantee


No map to be misread

It’s not about conquering the mountain,

but about conquering the head.


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